Bird on my Deck - Close up
This morning I was able to get up close and personal with a bird. I almost stepped on him on my deck. Grabbed my iPhone and was able to get 6 incles away from the bird. I have no idea what kind it is as I have never seen before. Native 5s camera with cropping and editing including increasing the saturation in PSE 11. I had to let the camera do the focus and exposure or I would have lost the shot. Since he let me get so close and did not fly away with the camera shutter click I thought he was injured, but he flew off within a minute. It was a great start to my day.
I asked my friend, Dennis Burnette, about the identification of this bird. This was his response: I think your bird is a Dark-eyed Junco, previously called Slate-colored Junco if you have an earlier field guide. The bluish coloration may be due to the light and the way the iPhone records color. Also, juncos vary in color just a bit. Yours appears to be a female or a first year male. (The adult males are a slate gray and in some types of light seem to have a bluish cast.) It was taken early a.m. and I did not have time to mess with WB if I wanted to get the shot at all.