Midnight Pink Sky with Gum Tree Silhouette

On Friday near midnight, I looked out my kitchen window and saw a pink sky. I grabbed my iPhone to try to get the image. I shot it with Camera+ app for the iPhone. The main silhoutte is a black gum tree which I did straighten. Like all pictures of sunrises, sunset or atmospheric phenomena what your eye sees and what the camera sensor sees can be two different things. I did use the filters in camera to try to simulate what I thought I saw including colorlab tint and a little brightness. I may have overdone the pink as difficult to really tell on small iPhone screen. This window faces East. Too early for a sunrise and there are no commercial ventures in the neighborhood that would have explained the color of the sky. It was "one moment in time". Some night I am going to get a nice moon shot using this tree. I will post the original for comparison but you not even a tinge of pink and a more brown/black coloration plus exposure dark.
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