This should have been posted Fri., Oct. 30th. Have been looking for some nice yellow leaves that do not have a lot of brown in them. I am not sure if this is hicory or beech leaves. The were up quite a distance in the tree and I liked the sun highlighting the ones more in front. I know I used digital zoom. So, it may look like there is digital noise. Digital zoom usually causes pixilation. Post processing: the image on the left had highlights increased, slight midtone decrease, and slight sharpening. I know some people will not like that there is not enough border around the leaves. Unfortunately this is not always something you can see well on the LED screen with bright sun. I admit I did not zoom in to check review image. The right image I used the image on the left and then applied the "Fresco" filter inPSE 11 which increased the outline of the edge with black.
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