Yesterday I was walking in the neighborhood and foiund some lichen colonies on a maple tree. I was intrigued because there was a lot of a golden color there. I was disappointed that the images I took were not as sharp as I had hoped.
Should have done a playback instead of relying on the LED screen. Oh well, I hope to get back and try again when there is more sunshine. Sometimes you can salvage an image using apps. Taken with Camera+. Post processing done with PSE 11. Left image has just increase in highlights & mid-tones, then sharpened a lot to give texture.
I had taken the image at an angle rather than landscape. changed mode to square, and tried to do macro which uses digital zoom--not as good as optical zoom. The right image I used a "Saturated Film" filter in PSE 11. You can even see the green moss in the cracks if you are able to enlarge the image.
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