This should have been posted 8/17/2015 Yesterday was our 52nd wddding anniversary. On Sat. I went to the Farmer's Market to buy a bouquet. These images are of Tuberosa. They bloom in August and are very fragrant. Too bad you can not attach smell to a digital photograph. Native camera app. for the left image. I know I cropped the top of the left image too short but I could not really spend the time I needed. This image shows that the buds were not open and for some reason they did not open up as I had anticipated. So I could take more images. I used my kitchen window lighting and the black background is the side of my refrigerator. The image on the right I used outdoor lighting. Camera+ Macro mode. Post processing PSE 11.
For more information: The tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) is a perennial plant related to the agaves, extracts of which are used as a note in perfumery. The common name derives from the Latin tuberosa, meaning swollen or tuberous in reference to its root system. Polianthes means "many flowers" in Greek. In Mexican Spanish, the flower is called nardo or vara de San José,
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