!['Ok just to show you a different venue than taking flowers, I went to downtown GSO yesterday and was trying to take images of buildings. Having a blast with taking photos with my iPhone 5S but it does have
issues with distortion and you can't always move your body to get a better angle. I know I took it with the Native camera app HDR mode so sky more blue that "NC Blue". I did some post processing in Photoshop Elements 11. I will have to look at what apps will be available with the new iOS 8. Since the sun is shining I am off to Elon College to see if any buildings there. Then later in afternoon going to the Texas Pete Culinary Festival in W-S. It will be crowded. Got to take images while the sun shines.'](https://fbcdn-photos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-0/p480x480/10641086_10203032108787331_4658380991885870105_n.jpg?oh=1565784a6d158a5c49bbfdab6794115f&oe=56A1D6A5&__gda__=1453299174_8d21db61c30b0e99cfa5f29f54a30b44)
Today I got a reminder from Facebook that I had posted this iPhone image a year ago. I was in downtown Greensboro, NC, and wanting to get some architectural shots. These are challenging with the wide angle lens of the iPhone as buildings can be distorted . This image was taken with the 5s HDR mode. I was going up the stairs of the parking deck off Elm Street. It was about noon - 1 PM on a Sunday and not many people around. I did not have the SKWRT app but liked this shot and was recently thinking about taking it again. Pushed exposure sliders and sharpening to get the effect I wanted with PSE 11.
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