I have some Jerusalem Artichokes (Helianthus tuberosa) growing in my garden. This was a close up of a single blossom taken on a rainy morning. Some people consider it a weed, others a gourmet vegetable. In France used in production of beer and wine. It has a taste similar to a potato. This plant is a member of the sunflower family. They bloom late summer and eveuntually you can harvest the root as a vegetable. It can be pickled or roasted with seasonings and baked with other root vegetables. Some restaurants list on their menu under side dishes as "chokes".or sunchokes not related to artichokes. These plants can grow 7 ft tall. It is a rhizome/tuber and will come back again next year. Once you have them they multiply. Camera+ HDR. Edited in PSE 11.
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