It was a rainy day. I could not use my outdoor lighting to capture the image of my dinner plate of food for Christmas Dinner. I cooked Chicken Cordon Blue, Rice Pilaf, Gravy, Green Beans, & a Roll. I used the black cooktop of my stove with overhead Halogen lighting which there is a spotlight effect in the upper portion of the plate. From previous experience I have found it best to use a white paper plate to avoid glare if using China dinnerware. Had to clone out light flare and use healing brush to get the backround really black all around the plate and then added text for "Merry Christmas". . For dessert we had Peppermint Ice Cream which was not included in the image. I was the "Galloping Gourmet" sipping Chardonnay wine while I was preparing the meal. Bon Appe'tit!!
iPhone 6, Native camera. Edited with PSE 11.
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