Winter Shrub with Pink Flowers (Evergreen?) Plus B & W Version

I never promised that every photo I posted would be good. "Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder". Meaning just because I like it does not mean everyone else is going to like it. So, I am giving my self an A for creativity but a D to my iPhone 5s and my capturing of the image I wanted. When it snowed I decided to go back to the plant I saw on Sat. and take a bucket of snow and trowel with me (preplanning). I took some images which looked OK in my LED screen I thought? Not everything in the image is in the same plane and I actually got too close to the flower to be tack sharp. Some crystals of ice are in focus and have been sharpened. I did have to crop the image and still have an area of snow blown out in the lower Left corner. I have no idea what this plant may be. The needles suggest it is a low growing everygreen shrub. It was maybe 4 inches high and 8 inches in diameter. I also tried to see how it would look in black and white which shows that the flowers may have been frozen since more translucent.
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