Friday, July 31, 2015
Queen's Ann Lace Close Up - A Challenge To Get Detail of Flowerettes
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Tomato and Brushetta CU - Summer is here
Per Merriam & Webster dictionary the definition of bruschetti is: thick slices of bread
grilled (baguette), rubbed with garlic, drizzled with olive oil, often topped
with tomatoes and herbs, and usually served as an appetizer. You certainly can vary the herbs and if you
look on the Internet you will find all kinds of recipes. I prefer to make it simple and not even
toast the bread and rub with garlic because I plan to eat it after I put it on the bread. Toasting does keep tomato juice from making the bread get as soggy. If you put enough
garlic in the chopped tomatoes, you would not need to rub the bread with
garlic. Once you have the basic
ingredients you can use the leftovers to put on cooked pasta, squash, egg plant, or with garbanzo beans as a salad...or to use
as an Italian salsa. I don’t really use
a recipe. I chop Roma tomatoes, onions
(chives), Serrano peppers, garlic then
add vinegar, olive oil, salt &
pepper and Italian seasoning mix or chopped fresh oregano, basil, thyme,
chives. It is best to mix ahead to allow flavors to
marry. Some people top with mozzarella
and put under the broiler to melt the cheese.
You can sprinkle with grated Parmasean cheese. Hint: You can add dried tomato powder to the
mixture to give more intense tomato flavor. In GSO this powder is available at the Savory Spice Shop in the New Friendly Center.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Downtown GSO from MLK Drive
I took this image last Friday as I walked in around the Southside Historic District of Greensboro, NC. This was a view of some of the builidings downtown--the Lincoln Financial Tower being a landmark. The original image had the railroad tracks with weeds & artifacts in the foreground which I chose to crop out. As a result the green train cars in the rail yard form a bottom frame. It was a pretty sunny day with white clouds in the sky. Taken with Camera+ HDR mode. Only increased the highlights & midtones, sharpened slightly in PSE 11.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Stained Glass Window - Greensboro Historical Museum
This image was supposed to have posted 7/27/2015 but was in draft today.
This is a stained glass window located in the GSO Historical Museum. It is in the downtown area. There was no angle to eliminate the 2 banisters that are in front of this window. It was about noon when I captured the image and so sun was not really shinning on the window at that time of day. I exposed for the window lighting and so the surrounding wall turned out black. You can see that the molding surrounding the window is not stark white. I made numerous attempts and tried shooting from above and this was the best I could do. I did not have a tripod with me. Taken with native camera app.iPhone 5C. Post processing done in PSE 11: cropped, highlights darkened, sharpened, resized for web. .
This is a stained glass window located in the GSO Historical Museum. It is in the downtown area. There was no angle to eliminate the 2 banisters that are in front of this window. It was about noon when I captured the image and so sun was not really shinning on the window at that time of day. I exposed for the window lighting and so the surrounding wall turned out black. You can see that the molding surrounding the window is not stark white. I made numerous attempts and tried shooting from above and this was the best I could do. I did not have a tripod with me. Taken with native camera app.iPhone 5C. Post processing done in PSE 11: cropped, highlights darkened, sharpened, resized for web. .
Comfrey Blossoms Close Up
This is a close up some comfrey blooms taken in my neighbor's yard. I had some too, but my blossoms were not the brillant purple color that these were. Taken with Jack's 5C iPhone, native camera, HDR. Post processing with PSE 11, cropped, increased highlights, sharpened, and added small amount of vignette. There were some artifacts in the leaves, so, used the clone tool to eliminate those.Unfortunately the wood chip mulch in the background is a bit distracting to me. The aperture was f2.5 which is the best shallow depth of field you can get with the 5C.
**This plant is a well known medicinal herb. For more info go to
www. - search on comfrey (Symphytum officinale).
**This plant is a well known medicinal herb. For more info go to
www. - search on comfrey (Symphytum officinale).
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Sunflower Rear View of Petals & Plant Structure
I like sunflowers. I took this image a couple weeks ago when I purchased several varieties at the Yanceyville Farmer's Curb Market. Sometimes I like to look at the flower and petals from a different agle. Taken with Camera+ HDR. Increased highlights and mid-tones, sharpened slightly in PSE 11. Oh Happy Day!
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Stargazer Lily Close-up - Stephanie's yard
Took this image of my neighbor's Stargazer Lily close-up. It is always so fragrant when it blooms. Wish you could capture scent in a photograph. Took with Camera+ HDR. Only sharpened slightly and applied vignette in PSE 11. Chose not to crop this image closer which shows more of the leaves.
stargazer lily,
Friday, July 24, 2015
Pineapple Lily CU - J.C. Raulston Arboretum, Raleigh, NC

This is a pineapple lily. (Eucomis)which is a miniature floral representations of the tropical fruit--a member of the lily family. Pineapple lily plants grow from bulbs. The bulbs start out as a rosette and do not usually start blooming for a year. The plants produce the pineapple shaped flowers in July to August. The flower is actually comprised of many tiny little flowers clustered together in a cone shape. The colors vary but are usually white, cream or flecked with violet. The pineapple lily has pointed spear-like leaves and a flowering stem that rises above the plant. Usually seen in plant zones 10 and 11.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Black & Blue Sage Blossoms
This is an image of my black & blue sage plant in bloom. I have seen hummingbirds trying to get nectar. Since humming birds are very fast and do not stick around very difficult to get an iPhone image of that action, especially if they can see you. iPhone 6, macro mode, HDR. My friend, Sue Hughes gave me a couple plants last year and this year I have many plants and actually gave some plants to my friends. No post processing. I will admit to breaking off the stem with blossoms so that the leaves would be in the background for the image. Normally, they are at the end of the stalk & blowing in the breeze. This way the leaves can be used for plant ID. Good photo for a garden journal. I could have used a vignette to make the blossoms appear more prominent.
black and blue,
Colonial Brick Layout - Highpoint Museum
This should have been posted for Wed. 7/22/2015. In June my sister and I went to the High Point Museum. Outside there were several colonial buildings on the site. It was an overcast day. I took this image because it was an example of how bricks were laid on some buildings in those times. Instead of side by side, these were laid with the side and then the end which creates a different pattern. Not sure that there was a structural significance for this technique. I liked the colors of the bricks as well as possible use as a texture or background. No post processing. Did not take the time to use any filters or apps, but sure there could be many opportunities for different effects if you used Mega Photo or PSE.
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Lichen on Laurel Bluff Trail and Invert Filter of Same Image

Monday, July 20, 2015
Bamb! Bamb Shrimp & Fried Rice - Red Bowl Restaurant (Jack's Entree)
Last week Jack and I went to the Red Bowl Restaurant at Alamance Crossing (off Elon Exit 140). It has Asian cuisine. Jack ordered Bamb! Bamb! shrimp. He also got an Egg Roll but he had eaten it before the main entree arrived. Taken with iPhone 6 Camera +. We were not sitting by a window and so I think with room lighting this turned out pretty good. The food on the left is fried rice. We did spice it up with some sriracha sauce. I had Thai Chicken Curry which definitely needed the sriracha sauce. Even Subway offers that for a choice now. I may have to make my own, Takes about a pound of jalapeno and 1/2 pound of serrano but you could add more heat with Thai or habanerio peppers. I think this is something to blend outside or could cause coughing jag. .
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Tiger Lily - Upside Down Cultivar

One of my neighbors has a cultivar of tiger lilies that are different than the ones you see along the roadside in the summer time. They are still called tiger lilies (Lillium lancifolium) but I call them upside down lilies. I should collect some seeds and start in pots and winter over. It is my understanding it will take 3 years for them to bloom. Taken with Camera+ app, HDR mode. The stamens were hard to see on the LED screen, and so I cropped the foreground lily too close...but I liked this composition best. It was evening when I took it and the foliage had a blue cast which I removed in color variations in PSE 11. I also increased the highlights and midtones slightly and sharpened. Left image is CU of back of blossom.which was more upright - vignette applied. .
For more info:
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Caladium Close Up - Queen White & Group @ my Mailbox

**For more info about Caladiums:
Friday, July 17, 2015
Garden Fairy on a Frog Garden Sculpture
I was at my hairdressers on Tuesday. On my way out to my car I noticed a garden fairy in a pot on her patio. Love garden sculpture. Compared to the plants in the pot this is a macro. Shot with native camera iPhone 6. Used PSE 11 to crop, increase midtones, but did not sharpen as it would have been evident. Applying a vignette filter also affected edges of the fairies extremities and did not like that look.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
Passion Flower Blossom Using Different Backgrounds & Window Lighting - No Foliage (Macro)
My neighbor has a Passion Flower blooming. The foliage had some insect holes and did not make for a good photo image. So I decided to use the flower which just opened yesterday morning on different backgrounds and use my bay window (faces North) as lighting for some close ups. The right image in a vase over white card stock and the left card stock not black enough. So, I used a black turtleneck top. Taken with Camera+ HDR mode & macro slider. Both images first used "clarify" which increases saturation and sharpness in the Camera+ app. Then took into PSE for further editing midtones and sharpening. Is this altered art because no natural foliage? May try some views from the side which are also interesting. For more info about this flower:
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Dwarf Conifer Collection - GSO Arboretum 7 /14/2015
Yesterday was an overcast morning and so I decided to take some images at the Greensboro Arboretum. I liked the display of this dwarf conifer collection. I edited it in the native camera app first. I tried using frames and labeling the image in the border. I could have cropped out the blown out sky. You can see that the iPhone does have issues with buildings and there is distortion due to the small sensor. I have not invested in an app that is supposed to help correct this. Getting farther away might have helped but then cropping would have contributed to pixalization. I did edit the shadows and sharpening in PSE as I feel it gives more control than native app. P.S. It is not a flower image. LOL
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Gloriosa Lily - J.C. Raulston Arboretum Raleigh, NC 7/12/2015
On Sun. I went to J.C. Raulston Arboretum in Raleigh, NC. It is part of NC State University. These images are of the Gloriosa lily. It is a tropical plant orginally from India or Asia. It is considered an invasive weed in Australia. The image on the right is as taken with no post processing. Camera+ HDR mode. The iPhone does not have RAW image capabilty. The flowers were in a shaded area but there was bright the area. I did not see the foliage with blue cast and did not think about changing the WB to shade. So when I viewed the image on the computer I felt it was too blue. On the left image I increased the mid tones, and then selected color variations and decreased the blue by 2 and increased the red by 1. When I tried to sharpen or apply a vignette the stamens got pixelated. So, I omitted that change. I posted the left imaged to FB Photo Nuts Group.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Black Gum Tree Backlit Leaves - June 2015l
No, it is not fall. I was at the Tanger Family Garden the end of June(summer) and captured the sun coming behind some black gum leaves that had some yellow and orange coloration. The whole tree was not in color. All fall last year I tried to get this kind of picture. Taken with Camera+ HDR mode. Post imaging with PSE, cropped, sharpened, applied some vignetteing. Also did some cloning around the edges to fill in some white spots where light leaked through.
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Sunflowers from Yanceyville Farmer's Curb Market 7/11/2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015
Dawn's Floral Outdoor Thermometer
I love to go to my friend's, Dawn Barry, garden. She and Phil always have nice plants blooming. Originally she told me her mallow plants were in bloom if I wanted to take some images --will probably post two images tomorrow. These blooms are as large as a lunch plate with white mid-center area and a rose pink outter edge. Some people would call this image a record shot of "a moment in time". Photographs can have the ability to convey emotion, mood, narrative, ideas and messages – all of which are important elements of story telling. This outdoor plaque thermometer suggests to me that this person loved flowers or nature. I might use later in a digital montage image in a different color or opacity.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Puffy Moss Ball ? on Laurel Bluff Trail
I was hiking in the woods last Sunday on the Laurel Bluff Trail.. This little puffy looking plant I think is some kind of moss. I was surpised by it's lighter color. You can see regular deep green flat moss beneath it. It was the only one I saw in the 4 miles I walked. It was about 1 1/2 inches in diameter. Taken with Camera+ app, HDR mode. I probably could have taken in square mode or cropped, Slight editing in PSE 11.
Mosses are defined as flowerless plants that usually grow in dense green clumps or mats, in damp or shady locations. May want to read more: Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses. by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
Mosses are defined as flowerless plants that usually grow in dense green clumps or mats, in damp or shady locations. May want to read more: Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses. by Robin Wall Kimmerer.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Mushrooms on a Log + More Texture with PSE
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Mosaic Bark Texture
This is another texture shot. I was walking in the neighborhood when this tree bark was calling my iPhone's name. This bark reminded me of a mosaic with the deep indentations. I do not know the name of the tree. The trunk of the tree was only about 5 inches in diameter which is smaller than a lot of other tree bark images I have taken. If you can zoom in on the image you will see grain texture too. Taken with Camera+ HDR. No post processsing.
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Peace Lily (Macro) - RDU Airport Lobby

Yellow Spotted Salamander. "Shadow"

I put the salamander on a red towel on the bathroom sink. Definitely need more practice taking critter pictures. I did sign up for a workshop (if I get to go to Photofest in Sept.) about taking those kind of images. I changed the midtones, increased saturation and tried to decrease red hue to yellow spots and sharpened slightly in PSE 11.
First Friday GSO, NC, July 3rd, 2015

This image I wanted to post on July 5th but delayed due to family visiting. On Friday, July 3rd when my family was visiting, the "girls" went downtown to check out "First Friday" in Greensboro, NC. There were some venues that were closed because of activities planned for 4th of July celebration the next day. My daughters had never done this before. I took this shot when there was still some ambient light, Wanted to catch the street lights. With the iPhone you don't get a choice of shutter speed. I took this with auto exposure with Camera + app and forgot to turn off HDR. It was on South Elm street. Too bad there were no people walking down the street to give more ambience, but it was starting to rain and shops starting to close. Did not use a tripod ...and because low lighting situation, not as sharp due to camera movement. Left image was only sharpened. The image on the right I choose line drawing and adjusted opacity to add some color and lines in PSE 11.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Patriot Star Krispy Kreme Donut
Image posted late due to lack of computer time with relatives visiting. Should have been post on July 4th. Went to Krispy Kreme Donut Shop on Friday morning to celebrate the 4th of July early when my relatives were visiting Greensboro, NC. This was a patriotic star donut, but they had several varieties with red, white and blue sprinkles. I used window lighting and had the donut on a napkin and there are wrinkles. I could have used the paint bucket to make a different color, but decided I wanted to keep the texture of the napkin. I only cropped the image and added the blue text in PSE 11. Bon Appe'tit!!
Pink Gladiolas in Bloom in the Neigjhborhood - Close Up
This image should have been posted on July 3rd but I had family in from
out of town and I was not spending my time on the computer.
Gladiolias are blooming the lst week of Greensboro, NC. I was lucky to
catch this image walking in my neighborhood after a rainstorm. Some buds had
not opened yet. I was concentrating so hard on the image of the flower I did
not see an artifact near the right edge. Used Camera+ app to take the image
It was about 7 PM EDST. Post imaging used PSE 11. I cropped, increased
shadows and midtones slightly, and sharpened.
** This image would make a nice note card.
Lichen Colony in the Neighborhood - Macro
This image should have been posted on July lst but had
family in from out of town and my time was spent with
them not the computer.
I was walking in the neighborhood a few days ago and saw this
lichen colony on one of my neighbor's trees. Tried to take in Macro
mode with Camera+ & HDR mode. It was a convex the lower right corner is not sharp. This image may remind you of peeled paint. This lichen colony has an interesting pattern and texture.
Post processing I used PSE 11. I did increase the shadows, midtones, sharpen slightly and then used a color variation to decrease the red and increase the green. I have seen other varieties of lichens on rocks and on walks in the woods. There are even botanists that specialize in lichens.
family in from out of town and my time was spent with
them not the computer.
I was walking in the neighborhood a few days ago and saw this
lichen colony on one of my neighbor's trees. Tried to take in Macro
mode with Camera+ & HDR mode. It was a convex the lower right corner is not sharp. This image may remind you of peeled paint. This lichen colony has an interesting pattern and texture.
Post processing I used PSE 11. I did increase the shadows, midtones, sharpen slightly and then used a color variation to decrease the red and increase the green. I have seen other varieties of lichens on rocks and on walks in the woods. There are even botanists that specialize in lichens.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
RDU Sculpture Plus Saturated Film Effect Filter

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