One of my neighbors has a cultivar of tiger lilies that are different than the ones you see along the roadside in the summer time. They are still called tiger lilies (Lillium lancifolium) but I call them upside down lilies. I should collect some seeds and start in pots and winter over. It is my understanding it will take 3 years for them to bloom. Taken with Camera+ app, HDR mode. The stamens were hard to see on the LED screen, and so I cropped the foreground lily too close...but I liked this composition best. It was evening when I took it and the foliage had a blue cast which I removed in color variations in PSE 11. I also increased the highlights and midtones slightly and sharpened. Left image is CU of back of blossom.which was more upright - vignette applied. .
For more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilium_lancifolium
I just took some photos of some of these on Sunday at the park where the art fair was. Yours look way better!